Thursday, October 15, 2009


I am sooo unorganized! I haven't been here to write in way to long. Sometimes I feel like there is nothing to say, but I realized that I just need to get thoughts down on paper( or cyberspace!) Things around our family are a little haphazard currently ( as usual). Ethan is on his road to recovery from the flu. He got sick Saturday night at Boy Scout camp, and I think puking in a tent was not his favorite thing. Luckily he has a great troop and they got him back home the next morning. He was sick for 5 days and finally went to a half day of school today. I did not take him to the doctor because.. what would they do but tell me to treat the symptoms for $30 copay, so I don't know if ti was H1N1. I am still watching him, but I think we are getting better. School conferences are tonight too. I hope there are no surprises.

I have recently joined the ranks of Face book. I can see that I will be addicted to it for quite awhile. Very intriguing, to find old friends I have missed for so long, keep up with current friends and bond stronger with new ones. So far checking my wall to see if any one new is there is exciting! I feel like I have been in a cocoon for a long time and am emerging to find that the world God has created has been right in front of me and I have been very self centered in not seeing it.

Why? A good friend of mine recently passed away, too young, unknown cause. I have been in awe as I watch her family cope & grieve. They are such a strong family, and the friends and neighbors who have been there for them were wonderful. She really inspired me as a person, parent and Christian. Everyone who knew her really knew her because she wasn't afraid to let them in. Looking at this situation has made me realize that I should be more like that. I know I tend to get too caught up in my own everyday life because it is easy to stay there, warm & cozy in what I am used to. Introverts of the world unite!(we don't though because then we wouldn't be introverts:}) This has also made me appreciate my job as well. I work in an oncology clinic and because our patients are very ill, we see a lot of them on a regular basis. We get to know them and their struggles pretty well. I used to not get too personal with them, because I felt like I would be intruding, but lately I have been intruding. Most people appreciate that we ask about them or their families. Tough things are easier to handle if you can trust the ones who care for you, and I am seeing that there. I am glad to be in a position to help them.

So anyway, lesson of the tale: get out there because you don't know who needs you until you look outside.